I Am Good (a poem)
Mostly, I know I am good for how delightful it is to be alive. For the wonder I feel and the hope that just won’t leave.
Happy full moon and lunar eclipse in Libra, Sacred Heart. As a Libra Rising myself, this eclipse happens to land in my house of identity, so this morning as I sit with my sencha green tea, I'm asking myself where I've been mistaken about who I am. Where there light inside me has been eclipsed and distorted. Where I've boxed myself in. Where I've let the judgments, opinions, projections and even the validation of others shape my self concept. Where I've been confused about my own goodness. I am choosing today to anchor back into the Truth and to see myself clearly. To let go of the illusions, spells and distortions that hinder my clear sightedness. To remind myself to experience the world from the inside-out, because when I do, the Essential goodness of my Soul is more saturated and vibrant than the gaze of another could ever be. To find Heaven on Earth right here inside me.
I Am Good (a poem)
I am Good not in any moral sense. I am Good not as a judgment on behavior or impact or impressions. Lord knows I have enemies. The misunderstandings are much more than the being met. Oh, the harm I’ve caused Do I know it. Even so I know I am Good. I know because I’ve experienced myself I’ve experienced life As Me. And life as myself? It’s just so so good. I experience it all just as I am meant to. I savor the sweetness of fruit and sniff the pasta in fully with a big belly breath before I take a bite! I shout, “Oh my God look at the sky!” when she paints herself sherbet. I recoil when the words are nasty and I’ve withered due to abuse. I shrink when necessary to protect my heart and I know when it’s safe to dance to sing to let others see my shine. Mostly, I know I am good for how delightful it is to be alive. For the wonder I feel and the hope that just won’t leave. I’m not good in any moral sense. For who can quantify that? I know I am good. Because if you see the world not as it is but as you are— I must admit Heaven is right here Inside me.
I pray you find Heaven on Earth, right here inside you.
Everything Belongs Season 3—
Season 3 of my podcast Everything Belongs dropped this month! There are 2 brand new episodes:
Healing from High Control Religion & Relationships With
My experience with high-control religion, as well as an abusive family system was the template for a self-concept rooted in shame. Reclaiming my Essential Goodness and peeling back the programming of being bad, evil and wrong has been the journey of my adult life. I’m thrilled to share this conversation with Dr. Laura Anderson.
Social Media Sovereignty with
I always find myself enamored by Cody’s words and insights around codependency and addiction. Because codependency is an addiction, and because all forms of addiction keep us from our sovereignty, I find their insights to be particularly aligned with my own experiences.
In addition to their wisdom they share on how they left social media, addiction recovery & codependency, they are also a wealth of knowledge around writing, queerness, creativity and the importance of personal narrative in our work.
You can always find the podcast on Spotify and iTunes.